Guest List: Incoming Mail (Part 1)

For those who are on our current guest list and did not have a Save the Date hand-delivered to them, your Save the Date was postmarked today. If you have not received one by Wednesday, November 30th, then you may want to complete this Google Form to request one.

We created our guest list based on a couple main criteria: perceived desire (might this person/family be interested in attending?) and geography (is our wedding venue readily accessible to this person/family?). We really want to invite everyone who is interested in attending our wedding, even if you have to travel to get there; however, we cannot read minds. So if you want to come, please complete the form so we have your address and know that you’re interested.

Of course, we are also bound by the size of our venue. The garden where we’ll do the ceremony (if the weather is good) can accommodate up to 100 guests, but the reception ballroom holds just 60 guests and Jen’s family is enormous. We will absolutely do our best to accommodate everyone.

Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

We are staying home on Thursday, eating Jen’s experimental vegetarian cooking (paired with cocktails), and indulging ourselves in that for which we are most grateful: laughing togetherness.

Our movie marathon of comedies will include some of these old favorites (but sadly not all of them because we have to work on Friday): Blazing Saddles, Groundhog Day, Idiocracy, My Cousin Vinny, Office Space, The Princess Bride, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Super Troopers, and UHF.

Hope everyone else has a Happy Thanksgiving too!

Art Commission!

As I posted earlier, I thought it would be a goofy idea to commission some panda themed artwork from an Artist that caught our eye at Dragon Con.

Pandas happy under umbrella in a storm. Original watercolor by Autumn Frederickson.
Panda Romance by Autumn Frederickson

Well, this is it, and it is absolutely wonderful.  Turns out it wasn’t a goofy idea at all.  Autumn was great to work with.  Check out her other work (clicking the art should bring you to her web page).