Art Commission!

As I posted earlier, I thought it would be a goofy idea to commission some panda themed artwork from an Artist that caught our eye at Dragon Con.

Pandas happy under umbrella in a storm. Original watercolor by Autumn Frederickson.
Panda Romance by Autumn Frederickson

Well, this is it, and it is absolutely wonderful.  Turns out it wasn’t a goofy idea at all.  Autumn was great to work with.  Check out her other work (clicking the art should bring you to her web page).

No Gifts, Please

We are intent on having a very simple, day-trip-driveable-for-many-family-and-friends wedding. This means it will *not* be extravagant and we are *not* serving a meal or having a dance. In short, what you will get as a participant in our wedding is not something for which we want or expect you to reimburse us in the form of gifts. This is Jen’s second rodeo and Gary’s third and we live in a small New York apartment, so we don’t have any need or space for yet more household items.

If you come to our wedding, that will be great fun for everyone; but please bring only your wonderful selves.

No, Really

We also would like to think of the people who will feel bad for following directions if someone else decides not to follow directions.  We don’t want anyone feeling bad at our celebration.  So, please, do NOT bring any gift.